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Public Engagement
Community engagement will be integral to the Florida Transportation Plan development to ensure that the plan reflects the needs and priorities of Florida’s residents, visitors, and all users of our transportation system.
Community Engagement Plan
The Community Engagement Plan (CEP) describes planned community engagement (public and partner engagement activities). The purpose of this plan is to provide early and continuous opportunities for engagement during plan development. Public comments on the CEP were received for 45 days from the time the draft was published until July 28, 2024. The CEP was updated based on comments received and the final plan is now available. The CEP will be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary based on input and feedback received during the FTP development.
How to Engage
The community engagement activities will be structured to provide feedback to both the Steering Committee and Focus Groups at key decision points along with multiple opportunities for community collaboration including statewide webinars, regional workshops, and through agency partner coordination. This website, the virtual rooms, and other online methods will also provide continuous opportunities for your input during plan development.
For an overview of the planned timeline for community and partner engagement, click here.
Statewide Webinar
The Florida Department of Transportation hosted a Statewide Webinar for the public kick-off of the 2055 Florida Transportation Plan (FTP) on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The Statewide Webinar was held to announce the 2055 FTP update, describe the FTP development process, and review the Community Engagement Plan to receive input during the FTP development. During the webinar, the presentation was followed by a question and answer session using the GoToWebinar chat function to interact with the study team.
The meeting was held online via GoToWebinar. If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can view all meeting materials and provide comments here.
Regional Workshops and Virtual Open House
Several Regional Workshops were held in September 2024 across the state along with a concurrent Virtual Open House between September 16-October 4, 2024. These statewide and regional events were held to provide an opportunity for feedback on the draft Florida Transportation Plan vision and goals and input on transportation objectives.
Partner Engagement
The 2055 Florida Transportation Plan will include the development of statewide goals and regional objectives and will empower Florida’s communities to develop local strategies around the Plan’s common goals and regional objectives. This way, local strategies will be able to fit within the fabric of each community’s unique needs. Partner engagement will be continuous during the Plan update and include agency participation at Focus Groups, regional workshops, community events, and stakeholder briefings.
FDOT District and MPO/TPOs in your community
FDOT District Offices maintain direct engagement with Florida’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations/Regional Planning Councils, local government organizations, and stakeholders in your community. MPO and TPO contacts are linked below.
District 6